img-11 Minute Wisdom for High Performance  Team Building Events & Sessions

do you need corporate Team Building events that impact your team’s heads, hearts, & Souls?

Life Masters REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACETeam Building Events is a thorough, powerful, personal and team transformation and trust building experience that will shift your team energy in a day.

to get a team building in sandton / jhb quote call 083-447-6300

 Why choose REAL team building events?

Note that according to extensive research by Dr S Priest, typical Team-building (with no follow-up) has minimal long-term effectiveness. See graph below.

Solution – We believe we have a solution to this problem! A real team is a group of committed individuals working together towards a common vision and clear goals, in an atmosphere of mutual trust, robust truth, care, support and focused action for “fairly” balanced rewards.

Life Masters REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Team-Building Events transform teamwork with a true difference

Stop wasting your money on fun team building games or events that’s really just group entertainment, with results, as short lived, as motivation.

Do you know how long the effect of a motivational speaker usually last? Right up until the time they leave the building? yip 99% of amotivation departs within a day or 2.

Do you know how long the effects of your usual fun team-building games or events lasts.  A few weeks or day longer than the motivational speaker.

Extensive research reveals how much of your money is wasted on same old, same old, one off “team-building” events.

Whether it’s ropes, river rafting, 4×4 driving, cooking, ballooning, fuzeball, or any of those types of one-off “fun” events. Tthe real truth is – the effects just don’t last.

Team Building graph… img-2

As can be seen on the graph above, one off team building events with no follow up, or support taper off back to their original level before the team-building.

through the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance process,  we deliver Executive leadership training and corporate team building events that optimise People, Teams, Leadership and Culture. Results are long lasting, highly sustainable and offers the best team building value.

For tips on how to build an effective team work and staff engagement, requestr our Riding the Razor report, by clicking here.

For information on how you can pump up your staff’s performance with AQ coaching and customised team-building Events and resilience building workshops, contact Tony Dovale of Life Masters Team-Building International.


– Tony Dovale – Chief Team Building Events Alchemist

Call 083-447-6300 for a FREE intro session or presentation on REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE effective team building events.
