Team Building 6 Reasons


6 Great Reasons why your wisest choice is to consider REAL Team building with Life Masters.

Why Effective Corporate Team Building events… and Why our unique Emotionetics REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance system based team Transformation Process?

If a team is a group of people working towards a common goal, then true ‘team building’ is the process of enabling that group of people to reach their goal with trust, truth & positive intent. Choose Real corporate Team Building that impacts heads, hearts & Souls

Corporate Team-building on a Head, Heart & Soul level to ensure valuable and sustainable results.

We have a new & powerful solution to the old team building problem. Transforming Everbody Accomplishes More – Take your Team to a whole new level with our Emotionetics Team Building Technology

Transform your Team Building to a whole new level with our Transformational Trust & Team Building process.

6 Benefits of Choosing REAL Team Building In Gauteng

img-2Our Teambuilding process is custom designed for maximum impact and effectiveness. We work with you to accommodate your specific needs.

img-3Our focus is on team building that impacts people on all levels…heads, hearts and Souls

img-4We deliver measurable and sustainable team building results that impacts all people on all levels of their lives…We measure effects, impacts and results of our Teambuilding process.

img-5More than 20 years teambuilding experience in unleashing and engaging human energy, capacity and passion in Gauteng. Our team building is a process that ensures success rather than a “motivational” type, once off event.

img-6Before our Teambuilding, we thoroughly research and assess your team, their environment, and context, to ensure that we get to the Heart of the matter.

img-7We offer a unique and powerful team building process from a few hours to many days, that impacts your people on a Head, Heart & Soul Level. We can consult, coach & facilitate your next team building process to ensure results.

Team-Building types:

– REAL Team Builfing


– Bullet-Proof Team Building

– Higher Ground LeaderShift

Corporate Team Building Events Testimonials

Team Building Testimonial – Hi Tony, I waited a couple of days before I made contact to you for a reason. I believe my team is genuine, I must admit – my team IS genuine and the change is incredible. The support, openness, love and “warm fuzzies” are definitely there. The experience of the team building session at Bakabung was worth every cent. You did wonders & thanks to my team. – Cassie – Implats

Team Building Testimonial – I see my team totally different (positive) than before. I see SUPPORT, TRUST, HONESTY, HUMOUR and SPIRIT in my team. I had a super experience at the team building event & I seriously think we need to escalate it down to our subordinates. Namaste’ – Note: We have now time for each other and communicate more – formal & informal. It is surprising that I still get new information about team members that I did not know before. – Anon

Team Building Testimonial – I went away from this teambuilding workshop again, a whole person, confident, forgiving and taking responsibility for event that happened in my life. The change in our team has been a sustained one, and it is absolutely unbelievable to what extent this has made us tolerant, efficient, trustworthy and honest. It elevated the team and the members of it to good, considerate, loving, caring and giving people, which is what I believe we are here on earth for. Karen O.

Testimonial – Thank you so much Tony for the Saturday Workshop. I have truly experienced transformation. My way of thinking and outlook on my business, my job and my family has completely changed. What was there all the time has now surfaced and is increasing moment by moment. Words cannot begin to describe my gratitude for how your workshop has changed my life. The future I have always wanted has become crystal clear. I look forward to many more life changing encounters. Thank you so much Tony – Clyde Atkinson

Team Building Testimonial – What a positive influence you have had on my life, Tony. I am not sure how you thank someone for something so significant, so I am sending you warm fuzzies instead. I am paying-it-forward! – Thank you – Karen Otto – HR Manager: Remuneration Implats.

Team Building Testimonial “Team-spirit is up, sales are up, client relationships are clear, Profits are up!” Awesome teambuilding work Tony! Bruce Williams- MD Hardware Distributors

Team Building Testimonial Tony & Life Masters has made a huge LASTING difference in our company – Samantha (GM Willow Park conference center)

Team Building Testimonial “In every possible way it touched every point in my life. 10 out of 10 – Workshop leader [Tony] was awesome” – Zelda HR Manager

If there is no trust, there is no TEAM …and there will be no S.P.I.R.I.T.

Please note that according to extensive research by Dr S Priest & ourselves, typical corporate Team-entertainment/building events have minimal long-term effectiveness.

Life Masters delivers a true team-building process that lasts!

Click here for a free report Getting more from your staff and team-building.

Ask any of our corporate team-building clients – two years or more later the positive and powerful effects of our unique team-building are still in effect.

Because our corporate team-building process impacts the teams’ heads, hearts and Souls – Our team coaching and teambuilding transformation, based upon human consciousness, power of ONE and high-voltage leadership, lasts a lifetime – Well beyond motivation!

Our S.P.I.R.I.T. based corporate team-building process includes leading-edge tools and paradigms for true team-building and team transformation

Strengths and Strategy

Passion and Purpose

Integrity, Insight and Inspiration

Resilience and Robustness

Inspired Action and Intuition

Team Work, Truth, Trust, Transformation and Taking Action

A real team is a group of committed individuals working together towards a common vision and clear goals, in an atmosphere of mutual trust, robust truth, care, support and focused action.

For teams to perform optimally on an ongoing basis, people need to be transformed from the inside out…permanently!

Transformed people create transformed teams, which create transformed results.

Why waste your money on short-lived “team entertainment events or “motivation” events, when you can get a real authentic, long lasting team-building process.

Our Transformational Team-Building is the cornerstone of sustained success in today’s’ highly competitive business arena.

Transformational S.P.I.R.I.T. Team-Building is the process applied to enable a group of individuals to cohese, and reach their personal goals, team goals, as well as the company’s goals.


What are the major issues facing your Team building events? How We Succeed

-Truth & Trust building

– Unclear Destiny, Calling,

– No Passion or engagement

– Diverse/divergent Goals,

– Useless Purpose, Vision and Mission.

– Roles and Responsibilities issues.

– Inter and Intra relationships challenges.

– Leadership & Communication.

– Problem-solving and Conflict Resolution.

– Risks, rewards, success and failure.

– Creativity and innovation missing.

– Transformation & ongoing inspiration.

– Celebration and reward for results achieved

How do we build powerful, cohesive, supportive, collaborative, and trusting Teams?

We succeed at team building because we are thorough and we deliver a process, not an event.

To create highly effective, powerful teams that work cohesively in an atmosphere of support, trust and cooperation, the following areas must be addressed:

– Individual static – fears, resentments and negative beliefs.

– Enhance Identity to identify and grow specific talents and abilities.

– Build truth and trust within the Team and with Management

– Open honest communication between the team and Management.

– Clarify and align personal and Company goals.

– Identify issues and challenges that inhibit individuals from reaching their goals, and that create friction and stress in the team.

– Issues & challenges that inhibit the team from reaching their goals.

– Include some fun and stress release.

We succeed at Team building by reducing & removing “static”.

By identifying and clearing individual issues, fears and inhibitions, each person can focus more clearly, and responsively, on the goals, mission and mandate of the team.

Once clear of their own negative perspectives, beliefs and interpersonal issues, it makes it easier for each individual in the team to participate fully in identifying the importance, and benefits, of working together, rather than as lone individuals.

We succeed at Team building by enhancing levels of trust and truth

The development of truth and trust within the group is of primary importance.

Through various experiential exercises, trust issues and “static” is addressed and cleared, paving the way for stronger, safer, proactive, productive and resilient teams.

We succeed at Team building through our Destiny Cause & Calling Tools

Once this groundwork has been laid the company’s Destiny, Cause Calling, Visions, Values and Goals can be developed, clarified and strategised.

These are then brought into alignment with the personal goals (Destiny, Cause and Calling) or vision of the team and individuals.

We succeed at Team building because we impact all levels of the person

Only through effective alignment of people and business, through the team building process, can we begin to fully engage people’s heads, hearts and Souls.

We succeed at Team building because our clients love us and we love this work. This is our purpose and destiny.

Life Masters company Team Building Events is a thorough, powerful personal and team transformation and trust building experience

083-447-6300 011 467-1763  –

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