For Immediate Release – johannesburg South Africa
TEAM-BUILDING and Team Culture Transformation – With so many companies doing, some kind of team-building events or tribe/team development, what’s the best route to consider?
Typical Team-building activities, as they’re commonly called, vary from frivolous group entertainment & short-lived motivational style stuff; Quad-biking, soccer, cooking, shooting, mini-golf, foozeball, survivor games, adventure events, ballooning, etc.… all the way through to what we term… TRANSFORMATIVE or Appreciative Team-Building…
That’s REAL Team-development. Company Events and a process that impacts people on a Head, Heart & Soul level and has long-lasting results.
It’s a well know fact that stuff like motivational talks and the usual fun style “team building games” don’t last or add any real value – so why then do people waste their money paying anything up to R25,000 for a 1 hour motivational talk? Motivation is like manipulation! And who wants to be manipulated anyway?
Return on Investment
If you were to invest in an effective a teamwork improvement event, don’t’ you want to get the best value for your investment – of time, money and people resources? Any intelligent person wants the best return (ROI) on their staff team-building days.
Now think hard be smart…What level of results would you choose if you were to embark on a valuable and powerful team/tribe -building process? What’s the best way to blend your organisational cultures, build trust, build better relationships, communication, connection… and to unleash passion, engagement and energy into a cohesive whole? – A REAL TEAM or TRIBE.
Group Entertainment games is NOT Real Team-Building!

- If we consider, what is thought to be, a typical “team building” event; people go on some planned outing for a day, somewhere offsite. They may get a little revved up, wear colored arm-bands or t-shirts, paint faces, play some games, shoot arrows, walk planks, laugh a little, or a lot, have a free meal or braai, a few drinks and then go home…klaar! Nothing really powerful!
- On the day, what we don’t see, just under the surface, is that the office politics and people issues are still alive and well. People still fear; appearing useless, being uncomfortable or making a fool of themselves. Staff accumulate in their usual “clans”, and the office-clown is again, thoughtlessly, even more mordant with their jabs and jousts. Often, greater barriers to real team-building and a friendlier, more productive workplace, are created. Intolerance prevails – and never the cultures or people shall blend!
- When Monday comes around, the old dynamics, office politics and factions remain, just as before. The people are as jaded as ever, if not more so now! And the “TEAM” is just a pretense. Life goes on just the same as it did before the group outing. People know nothing new about each other or their cultures. So what was it all really about?
- This is treating the symptom – not the foundation or real causes.
- Resilience & Responsibility
- Energy & Engagement
- Appreciative Inquiry & Action
- Leadership with LOVE.